The U.Be.U Story
I’ve been on this journey too
Years ago, I held a position in a high-profile company. Despite my enthusiasm for the work, I found one particular project overwhelming and confusing to the point of extreme stress and sleepless nights. For some reason I wasn’t fitting in with the prevailing corporate culture. Any attempts at doing so came over as awkward and forced, alienating me from my colleagues.
I eventually left and began working for a consultancy that provided leadership training programmes. My work involved a lot of psychometric testing and I gained a deep understanding of the importance of assessing and understanding your personality, work style and aptitudes - and from that, making a plan that uses your uniqueness.
Through taking some of these tests myself I was able to see why the culture of my previous workplace hadn’t been for me. While I’m someone who seeks the harmony in a situation, the company I’d been working for had a culture that sought to find the ‘gaps’ or problems.
This made the workplace highly combative and stressful, particularly for someone like me, who aims to build relationships and connections. Like any bad relationship, that job and I just weren’t right for each other.
Revelation came when I realised it wasn’t me or them, it was a difference in values.
The journey towards transformation
Moving in a new direction in your life feels uncomfortable and overwhelming at first. Without a good plan or the support of others, the journey can be treacherous, making many people lose faith in themselves and abandon the goals they started.
Do you find gaps or harmony in a situation?
There is no ‘right’ answer to that question, only one that fits you as a unique individual. Regardless of the answer, to this or any other question about yourself, the hidden traits they uncover are the unique ‘set of tools’ you have at your disposal to reach your goals. Just like a fingerprint, the way you think is different from everyone else. The way to it seems difficult at first and then opens out into some extraordinary freedoms.
Once I realised that I didn’t have to change who I am, the world became an easier place to live, and you will discover that too.
Getting to know myself better also helped me understand how others were different from me. This was the beginning of U.Be.U.
Now, this site is not all about psychometric tests – that’s only one of the tools in the toolbox. This site is dedicated to providing you with the support and resources you need to:
uncover your unique gifts
gain the confidence to pursue your goals
commit to a personalised action plan.
As my own journey has progressed through various betrayals and traumas, I too know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by negative thinking, painful emotions and doing the hard work to stick to the reason I’m on the planet.
It gives me so much joy when people gain the skills and insight to help them grow. It’s also satisfying to be on point with my mission – which is to encourage others to be the best they can be and have fun on purpose. This is why I coach, train, and design U.Be.U’s unique plans & retreats.
With U.Be.U’s unique training plans and supportive culture, the life you always wanted is well within your reach, too.
Begin your journey!
Book a free 30-minutes introductory session or email me for further information: sharon@ubeu.nz