

Business start-ups for people who need staff: How do I get it right?

This coaching programme will take you through:

  • How to write a job description

  • How to motivate and help staff stay on track

  • How to be a supportive leader

  • How to establish a positive culture from day one

  • Getting a head start on the legal ‘ins and outs’


Initial 30 minute consultation: FREE
Two 1.5 hour sessions, plus a little homework
One follow up meeting after 6 weeks, at half price!

Workbooks and a free follow up phone session after 3 weeks.
Plus free mobile support between sessions*

Total programme cost: to be advised upon consultation

*Any calls of 10 minutes or less are free.

You’ll need to have started your business and be ready to hire.

Book your FREE Introductory consultation now

Email: sharon@ubeu.nz for more information.

The journey Sharon has joined me on has been hugely beneficial to my confidence and belief in myself as a new business owner. Starting my own business up from scratch has been a daunting and exciting adventure and having Sharon’s guidance, ideas and patience have been crucial in keeping me accountable and focused throughout the journey. Such a gift to have had access to. Thank you Sharon.
— Sarah