How Mindset Coaching Works
How the Mind Works
A mind, when you are awake, is constantly thinking, feeling and choosing. This think-feel-choose happens in response to what is going on around you. A thought is a concept or idea which has been built through combining memories. Thinking helps you make sense of what’s going on around you, and helps you choose how you want to respond. Feelings and choices mostly begin from your thoughts.
The mind is not the brain. Your brain is the physical organ. The physical part of your mind, that which can be seen, is in the motor neuron paths. They move and change a lot! The rest of your brain operates at various levels, and, operating in balance, helps us make sense (or not!) of our world.
As adults we have some thoughts that are original and some that have become habits. For example, we can’t learn or have original thoughts about how to wake up and prepare for the day every time a new day starts.
It’s unavoidable to have bad or toxic thoughts, but these can affect the health of your whole physiology, depending on if they’re dwelt on or dealt with.
The Mindset Process
Many of us find ourselves in situations where we can’t seem to do something we thought we want to do well or without a sense of dread or calm.
Anxiety, depression and other conditions - like when you just can’t get over a situation - can begin when toxic thoughts go awry. If you have a sense that you have limiting beliefs or that recurring thought patterns are holding you back, then you can benefit from mindset coaching. Our mindset underpins all that we do.
As a simple example, when I prepared to do a mountain climb, part of my routine was to jump up steps, both feet together. I hadn’t done this since I was a child and had no muscle memory of it. It was distressing and alarming to try to do something seemingly simple that I was unable to do! I worked with a trainer to remember how to do it (I learnt to jump one foot at a time, then, jumping both feet together on the flat before building up to higher and higher steps with both feet).
Toxic thoughts, thoughts that are opposed to what’s true and thoughts that contradict themselves within us can mess with your mind functioning well. Finding the toxic thought, often buried in your mind’s history, then unpacking it, can be quite an adventure. Once we’ve found that toxic thinking and where it comes from then you can replace it with better, functional thoughts. This process of finding and replacing is where, eventually, feelings and behaviours can change so much.
Replacing old thinking is important because otherwise your mind will return to the old, stinky habitual thought. This is a significant principle of the mind’s work: unlearning doesn’t leave a space. A replacement thought, a better thought, is always a necessity.
Examining your thoughts
This is what happens during your mindset coaching.
As you’re given different exercises, you’ll find, after a period of time, things begin to change. That restriction and fog can clear and things can become easier.
This is the result of knowing the principles of how your mind works, continuing with your exercises and reflecting on your thoughts as they come to your attention. You can then repeat this process by yourself.
All this can seem daunting, and it seems a waste if we can’t have fun during this learning and unlearning. I use stories, anecdotes and other ways to make sure it’s never a chore and a bore entirely. We have fun on purpose because changing is easier when it’s refreshing and deliberate.
If you choose a customised plan, you’ll have outcomes to which you can hold me accountable. And if you put the work in, you’ll have a delightful time.