Balance your life
Identify and nurture neglected areas of your life to bring about balance and peace of mind.
This programme is based on the traditional Māori wellness model of ‘Te Whare Tapa Whā’ - ‘The four walls of a house.’ Each of the four walls represents a dimension of ourselves:
1. Spiritual health
2. Social and family connections
3. Physical health
4. Mental health
Each dimension must be equally robust to support the structure. If any one of these ‘walls’ is neglected, then the house collapses.
In a busy world we tend to focus on what’s right in front of us, ignoring the signals our bodies give us that we’re not taking proper care of our ‘house’. If one or more of the four walls isn’t being properly maintained, we no longer perform at our best.
This programme examines where you’re at and gives you the practical steps to achieve a happier, more productive and balanced life.
Over four sessions, we'll explore what makes up your four walls and the changes you can make to ensure they’ll serve you well.
Balance Your Life programme:
Initial 30-minutes consultation: FREE!
One hour per week for 4 weeks
One follow up meeting after 6 weeks, at half price!
Total Programme Cost: to be adviced upon consultation
You'll also get a journal and free mobile support*
*Any calls of 10 minutes or less during the programme are free.
Book your FREE introductory, no-obligation appointment today
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